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Honey Labs Mini Straw

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Nothing fancy. Just a well built and basic concentrate straw.


The Mini Straw is our take on a basic concentrate straw. Just like our HoneyDabbers they are made from North American hardwood and built to last!


With fully replaceable tips you can choose to switch from quartz to titanium in seconds!


*Does not include a protective sleeve like our HoneyDabbers

Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Honey Labs Mini Straw - Cherry Wood Titanium
Honey Labs Mini Straw - Cherry Wood Quartz

Nothing fancy. Just a well built and basic concentrate straw.

The Mini Straw is our take on a basic concentrate straw. Just like our HoneyDabbers they are made from North American hardwood and built to last!


With fully replaceable tips you can choose to switch from quartz to titanium in seconds!


*Does not include a protective sleeve like our HoneyDabbers

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